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Marketing support when you need it most!

When faced with a major crisis – namely the coronavirus pandemic – it’s natural for a business owner to look at cutting costs; marketing can often be the first to go as it’s classed as non-essential. Yet far too often those businesses that cut back on their marketing in haste, live to regret their decision when their competitors do the opposite and ramp up their marketing support.

At we have a strong marketing team. When the coronavirus pandemic hit the UK, rather than cut back, we chose to strengthen our marketing efforts and as we enter a second lockdown, we’re planning to do the same.

Jim Hardisty, Managing Director of, explains: “Marketing support to us is an essential part of our business strategy. Where some businesses have an in-house marketing team, we chose to outsource ours some 10 years ago and we find this works best for us.

“Rather than relying on the knowledge of a marketing manager, by working with marketing agencies we get the support of a whole team of marketing professionals – each with their own areas of expertise. This means that our marketing has no limits; we’re able to choose the best mix of marketing disciplines to achieve our specific goals.

“Where some businesses choose to change marketing agencies every three-four years, we’ve been with ours over a decade now. One of our core values as a business is Trust, and this is true of both the marketing partners we work with. We know we can rely on them to do a good job, whatever challenges we might throw at them. Our long-standing relationship means they know what we like – and dislike – and, more importantly, what works and what doesn’t in our industry.

“They are also proactive and happy to challenge me too; I didn’t think I’d ever see a time where I’d be getting my own Twitter profile, but this is about to change!”

“As we enter this second lockdown, we won’t be pressing pause on marketing; we’ll be working closely with our marketing agencies to maintain and increase our visibility. We trust our marketing partners to keep our communications timely and relevant; what we had planned six months ago, may not be what our customers need right now.

“This year the full service marketing agency we work with – PRG Marketing Communications – celebrated 40 years in business, a tremendous milestone! They drive our PR and social activities along with graphic design and advertising. The other half of our marketing effort is digital marketing agency JooJoo Creative who are the strength behind our website and email marketing.

“As we near the end of 2020, it’s clear that some tough challenges lie ahead, but with our strong marketing team we know we can rely on them every step of the way.”