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The Complete Guide to Plastic Pallet Sizes

Plastic pallets are an indispensable component of the logistics and shipping industry. They provide a stable foundation for goods, ensuring their safe transportation and storage. With a wide assortment of sizes available, understanding the different dimensions and their applications is crucial. This comprehensive guide will delve into different plastic pallet sizes, whilst highlighting the various options we have available at

Understanding pallet sizes

Historically, pallets were crafted based on the specific needs of industries. Over time, as global trade expanded, the need for standardised pallet sizes became evident. This standardisation has allowed for more efficient storage, shipping, and handling of goods across different regions and industries. For instance, at, we work closely with some of the biggest names from across the retail, food, waste management, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, construction and automotive industries, to name but a few.

Pallets are manufactured in two shapes (rectangular or square) and in a number of different footprints and specifications of plastic. Designed primarily for transportation and storage, they ensure larger shipments are handled efficiently. Whilst wood has traditionally been the prominent material for pallets, plastic pallets continue to grow in popularity across the world. These pallets offer a durable, long-lasting, cost effective and environmentally-friendly alternative to their wooden counterparts.

Guide to Pallet Sizes

Why pallet size matters

The size of a pallet will not only determine how much product it can carry, but also how it will fit in different storage areas (including racking in warehouses) and how it can be transported. Using the wrong pallet size can lead to wasted space in storage and transportation, increased costs, and potential damage to goods. Therefore, understanding and selecting the right pallet size is essential for efficient logistics and cost savings.

Standardisation in pallet sizes is not just a matter of convenience. It’s a strategic move that impacts the entire supply chain. When pallet sizes are standardised, it means that warehouses, vehicles, and materials handling equipment (MHE) can be designed with these dimensions in mind. Moreover, standardised pallets simplify operations, reduce the need for manual handling, and increase the speed of automated systems.

Standard UK pallet sizes

The standard UK pallet size is 1200mm x 1000mm, with varying heights. This size is widely used throughout the UK and is available in various weight-bearing capacities. When planning a pallet collection or shipment, it’s essential to ensure you’re using the correct pallet size to avoid any logistical issues.

European pallet sizes

While the UK standard size is 1200mm x 1000mm, the typical Euro pallet size is slightly smaller, with dimensions of 1200mm x 800mm. It’s crucial to differentiate between the two, especially when shipping goods across Europe, to ensure compatibility and efficient space utilisation. However, one consideration for using plastic pallets over wood, when exporting goods, is that the former is exempt from ISPM15 regulations. You can read more in our dedicated export blog.

Global pallet size variations

While we’ve discussed UK and European pallet sizes, it’s essential to understand that pallet dimensions can vary globally. For businesses involved in international trade, being aware of these variations is crucial. For instance, the standard pallet size in North America is different from that in the UK and Europe (40 x 48 inches or 1016mm x 1219mm). Meanwhile, many Australian businesses will use 1165mm x 1165mm pallets. Adhering to regional standards ensures smooth operations and reduces logistical challenges.

Pallet specifications

When selecting a plastic pallet, it’s not just the size that matters. The weight of the product you’re shipping is also a crucial consideration. As a rough rule of thumb, a plastic pallet will either be classed as lightweight, medium-duty or heavy duty – which will each have different capacities for static, dynamic and racking loads. We state these clearly on each individual product page and on our data sheets.

We recommend businesses choose new plastic pallets for reliable quality assurance, as they’re manufactured to consistent standards. This eliminates the uncertainty of grading systems (used to classify wooden pallets) and ensures you receive pallets that meet your exact requirements.

Safety considerations with pallet size

The size and type of pallets also play a role in workplace safety. Incorrectly sized pallets can lead to unstable stacking, increasing the risk of accidents. Plastic pallets, with their consistent dimensions and lack of protruding nails or splinters, offer a safer alternative to wooden pallets. Their smooth surfaces also reduce the risk of injuries during manual handling.

Stocked range of pallet sizes at

At, you can find a variety of pallet sizes made from both virgin and recycled plastic. You can find these below:

Custom pallet sizes

While there are standard pallet sizes, there may be instances where a custom size is required. Custom pallets can be designed to fit specific products or to maximise space in unique storage or transportation scenarios. If you have specific needs, it’s worth exploring custom solutions to ensure optimal efficiency. You can speak to our team about your exact requirements.


Understanding pallet sizes is crucial for businesses involved in shipping and logistics. By choosing the right size and weight capacity, companies can ensure efficient transportation, reduce costs, and promote sustainability. offers a wide range of pallet sizes, many of which are made from recycled plastic, emphasising its commitment to sustainability and a circular economy. As the logistics and shipping industry continues to evolve, so will the need for diverse and sustainable pallet solutions.

If you’d like to learn more about our plastic pallets, the sizes they come in, or have any questions about plastic vs wooden pallets, contact our team on 01323 7444057 or at