The Plastic Pallet Experts

Here you will find everything that you need to know about plastic pallets, plastic boxes and containers as well as why we are The Responsible Plastic Pallet Company.

Why is a great place to work

When you’re on the look-out for a new job, finding a company that offers a supportive and fulfilling environment is important. At, our employees enjoy a dynamic workplace filled with opportunities for professional growth and a strong sense of community. Do you want to know why is a great place to work? If so, read on….

The ultimate guide to cleaning plastic pallets

Plastic pallets, as opposed to wooden ones, are increasingly chosen for their durability and reusability and because they come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and forms to suit the different needs of each industry. They are also non-porous, so in industries where hygiene is paramount, plastic pallets can be easily cleaned, ensuring they are free from bacteria.

Like any other tool or piece of equipment, regular maintenance and cleaning are essential for maintaining integrity, hygiene, and longevity and for preventing contamination during handling.

This blog tells you everything you need to know about keeping plastic pallets clean.

How can we make supply chains more sustainable?

As a company that is committed to supporting the development of sustainable supply chains, we are always looking to push the boundaries by adding new products and services that can deliver environmental benefits. One avenue we are discussing with our manufacturing partners would be working with businesses to transform their own waste, such as plastic bottles, into durable plastic pallets. Find out more about how we are expanding our range of sustainable products.

Revolutionary BigBag S5 Pallet now exclusively available in the UK through, the responsible plastic pallet company, has expanded its range of innovative products with the exclusive UK launch of the BigBag S5, a cutting-edge plastic pallet developed by their long-term manufacturing partner, Cabka. This revolutionary product is set to transform big bag handling, offering unparalleled stability and protection, as well as helping businesses to enhance sustainability across their supply chains.

Best Products for Fruit Harvesters in 2024

As we approach the high season for fruit harvesting, it’s important for growers to evaluate and optimise every aspect of the picking and processing operations. From asparagus in open fields to berries in polytunnels and grapes in Sussex vineyards, each type of produce requires a tailored approach to handling and storage. has supported the food and agriculture industry by providing cutting-edge plastic pallet and container solutions designed to boost efficiency, enhance product safety, and support sustainability in agriculture operations. Find out more about how we are helping the growers during harvest.

A role for plastic pallets in regulatory compliance

Supply chains are littered with regulations affecting how we manufacture, process, store and transport goods, foods and pharmaceuticals. This blog considers how plastic pallets and plastic pallet boxes can play a valuable role in helping to meet regulatory compliance.

Sustainable supply chain programmes

At the 2024 Sustainable Supply Chain Exhibition, part of IntraLogisteX, Benjamin Foster, president and founder of Fosterra, gave a keynote speech on how we can make supply chains more sustainable. Foster discussed some of the challenges of implementing sustainable supply chain programmes and shared some inspiring success stories.

Plastic packaging taxes around the globe

In our recent blog, we discussed the plastic packaging tax in the UK and highlighted some of its flaws. This article explores further afield to see how other countries use tax incentives and disincentives to modify single-use plastic in B2B supply chains.