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Automotive Engineering Competition Winners Announced

We are delighted to announce the three winners of our Ultimate Driving Experience competition which was exclusively open to visitors at this November’s Automotive Engineering show held at the NEC in Birmingham.

The three winners are:

1st Prize – John Simpson from Webasto UK – winner of The Silverstone Challenge
2nd Prize – Tracey Gilliver from Magna – winner of The Ferrari Experience
3rd Prize – Stuart Jones from Rolls-Royce – winner of The Aston Martin Experience

Our three competition winners were selected at random from all correct entries who guessed that the total storage capacity of our stack of automotive KLT containers was 207.6 litres.

Congratulations to all of our competition winners and thank you to everyone who took part.

If you were unable to attend the Automotive Engineering show, but would like further information about our KLT container range which conforms with Europe’s VDA standards for the automotive industry, download our Buyers Guide or call us on 01323 744057.