How to ensure your plastic pallets are fit for purpose

Most people have experienced the disappointment of being mis-sold a product or service at some time in their lives, whether they have fallen victim to false advertising or sloppy advice. But in some industries, the consequences of being mis-sold to can be catastrophic.

In the pallet industry, being sold the wrong pallet for your application can not only be costly; it can cause irreparable damage if it is not fit for purpose and, in the worst case, injury to operatives.

In this article, the plastic pallet experts at share one customer scenario which highlights why it is essential to seek expert advice to ensure the pallets you buy are the perfect match for your application.

Challenge Us!

How much do you spend on wooden pallets a year?
Challenge us to save you money when you switch to our low priced, space saving nestable pallets!

A perfect match

When was approached by a world leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, who was looking for a solution to replace its existing wooden pallets and collars, the UK’s plastic pallet experts were able to offer the perfect match!

Plastic Pallets, Birds of Prey and Reaching Mars…Why 2001 was a Year to Remember!

Take yourself back 20 years to the year 2001. The year Apple introduced its first ever iPod, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was the biggest movie blockbuster, Will & Grace was the top sitcom and a pint of milk cost just 36p!

For plastic pallet experts, 2001 was the year we were founded but it also marked an industry first – as we were the first (and only) wooden pallet supplier to successfully transition to plastic pallets.

20 years on, we’re reflecting on how far we’ve come and looking back at some of the other great UK achievements from 2001!

Frequently Asked Questions about Euro Pallets

The applications and uses for euro plastic pallets are endless but the majority are being used for the import and export of goods across Europe.

But how do you know that a Euro pallet is going to fit with your requirements? Browse some of the more frequently asked questions about Euro pallets or talk to us directly by calling +44 (0)1323 744057 or emailing

What are plastic pallets used for?

You’d be forgiven for thinking that every plastic pallet is ‘the same’. Because the uses for plastic pallets are all so incredibly varied, every pallet is completely different in order for it to fit the application.
Some are hygienic, some are super lightweight and others are easily stacked and nested and then there are those that have been specifically designed to work on automated lines to streamline production. The applications are endless, but here are a few plastic pallet uses that we find our customers enquiring about everyday.

The Christmas (and Brexit) Countdown has started!

With Brexit looming, we have had a lot of enquiries and orders from companies who are looking to make the switch from wooden pallets to plastic pallets in order to ensure that their supply chain is not going to be interrupted by the UK’s exit from Europe.

As if Brexit wasn’t enough, there is also a wood shortage, which has had a knock on effect for wooden pallet supply and demand.