recycles 124 tonnes of plastic in 6 months – The Responsible Plastic Pallet Company – has recorded staggering recycling figures for the first half of 2019. Since making its Recycling pledge in February this year, promising to recover and recycle all of the plastic pallets and boxes it supplies to customers, the company has recycled a tremendous 124 tonnes of plastic waste.

This plastic waste includes used or unwanted plastic pallets, pallet boxes and smaller containers and trays, which are recovered by and taken to its partner’s recycling factory in Belgium. Here the products are washed together with domestic plastic waste, then ground into granules and reused to make the next wave of high quality long life plastic pallets and boxes.

Our People, Our Culture is a perfect example of a company that avidly invests in its people, which in the past 18 years has proven to greatly benefit both the business and its staff. Developing a positive workplace culture can improve teamwork, raise morale, increase productivity and efficiency and enhance retention of the workforce, and has done just that.

From humble beginnings in 2001 with a team of just five, the company has successfully grown to become the UK’s leading independent supplier of plastic pallets and boxes, today employing 26 members of staff (plus three in senior management), who between them boast a total of 160 years’ service to the company. employees commute using sustainable transport on World Environment Day

Today employees from cycled to work, took public transport or chose to car share to demonstrate their support for World Environment Day, which this year focuses on beating air pollution (#BeatAirPollution).

Each year around seven million people worldwide die prematurely from air pollution.* In fact, nine out of 10 people worldwide are exposed to levels of air pollutants that exceed World Health Organisation safe levels. Air pollution doesn’t just impact human health and economic growth either, it also causes global warming.

Plastic Free Champion helps educate the next generation – The Responsible Plastic Pallet Company – has teamed up with Plastic Free Eastbourne campaigners and donated a selection of engaging recycling-themed books and teaching resources to every one of the 22 state primary schools in its home town Eastbourne. This will help educate pupils about the impact of plastics on ocean ecosystems, and ultimately encourage them to reduce and recycle the single-use plastic items they have to use.

‘Reuse, recycle, repeat’ advises leading plastic pallet supplier – The Responsible Plastic Pallet Company – is urging customers to reuse their plastic pallets and boxes, recycle them, and then repeat the process to help create a circular economy.

This pertinent advice comes following what’s been a difficult last year for plastic pallet’s biggest rival ‘the wooden pallet’ with timber shortages and price rises affecting availability and causing serious concern amongst pallet users.

Top 10 reasons for using returnable transit packaging

With businesses increasingly looking to improve their environmental credentials, using returnable transit packaging is one way they can become more ‘green’ but the benefits go far beyond just environmental says Jim Hardisty, Managing Director of

The plastic debate that has dominated the UK media this last year means that more and more businesses are recognising that they need to significantly reduce their use of single-use plastic and one-trip disposable packaging in favour of multi-use plastic and returnable transit packaging (RTP).

Don’t ditch the plastic!

Jim Hardisty, Managing Director of speaks out about his concern over the media attacks on plastic and why he feels more needs to be done to regain public confidence in plastic.

This anti-plastic rhetoric running through the media and abundance of ‘ditch the plastic’ and ‘plastic free’ campaigns has completely crowded out the important role plastic plays in our everyday life.

And most infuriating of all is that many of these campaigns do little to distinguish between good ‘reusable’ and bad ‘single-use’ plastic.

Multi-use Plastic Packaging – The Future in Logistics

With heightened awareness of the damaging effects of single-use plastic packaging and the continual price rises of pallet timber, more and more businesses are looking for sustainable packaging solutions. Jim Hardisty, of explains more and what we should all be doing to take more responsibility for our planet.

‘Leave the wood’ video heralds new era for pallet industry has used the power of visual storytelling to take its ‘Leave the wood’ campaign to the next level by launching an intriguing new video. The poignant video tells the story of how the humble wooden pallet has been superseded by the reusable plastic pallet, as we move forward into the 21st century. Set in […]