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Why is a great place to work

When you’re on the look-out for a new job, finding a company that offers a supportive and fulfilling environment is important. At, our employees enjoy a dynamic workplace filled with opportunities for professional growth and a strong sense of community. Do you want to know why is a great place to work? If so, read on….

A team of experts with over 160 years of experience

We are incredibly proud of our team of experts, who collectively boast more than 160 years of experience in the industry. This wealth of knowledge and expertise is invaluable in driving the company forward and providing top-notch service to customers.

Emma Hall, Office Manager, describes how the company’s culture has evolved: “When I joined, the team was small – just three of us. The business has grown considerably in the last 10-15 years, and we’ve had many more staff join us. I’ve seen and managed a lot of change, including moving premises. I have also had the opportunity to take on more responsibility.”

The more experienced team members are always ready to share their insights, fostering an environment of continuous learning and development – especially with their younger colleagues and new starters.

Bringing innovative products to the UK marketplace

Successful candidates will be pleased to hear they are joining a company that prioritises innovation. For many years, we have been dedicated to introducing new and improved products that meet the evolving needs of various industries.

Dan Starnes, Sales Manager, shares his excitement about the state-of-the-art products we offer: “I really enjoy speaking to our customers, and getting ‘under the bonnet’ to see which of our products would deliver the best return of investment, and where we can add the most value.”

This commitment to innovation ensures that remains at the forefront of the industry, offering cutting-edge solutions to their clients.

Supporting key industries: retail, pharmaceuticals, food and agriculture, automotive, and more…

As the famous saying goes, “variety is the spice of life”. We are proud to work with a whole host of different award-winning businesses, helping them to become more efficient and sustainable across their supply chains.

Abi Burkhardt, Sales Executive, explains the variety in her role: “I find it particularly interesting working with businesses from different industries, such as automotive, food and agriculture, pharmaceutical, construction, and retail. My manager and the whole team are super supportive. I guess one of the things I love most about my role is nailing a big order, especially if you’ve been working on that for a long time.”

Our diverse customer base ensures that employees are always engaged in meaningful work that makes a tangible difference across multiple sectors.

Sustainability: A passion for the business

Sustainability is a core value at Not only do we offer the UK’s largest range of environmentally-friendly plastic pallets, pallet boxes, crates and trays, we are also committed to recycling and reducing waste, making a positive impact on the environment. Our pioneering recycling scheme has seen us recycle well over 1,500 tonnes of plastic since 2019 – smashing our initial targets two years early – and we have now set a new goal to hit 5,000 tonnes by the end of the decade.

Jim Hardisty, Managing Director, said: “Surpassing our initial recycling targets ahead of schedule is a testament to the collective efforts of our team, partners, and customers, who share our vision for a more responsible and sustainable future. Looking ahead, we are not just raising our targets; we are raising the bar for what is possible in plastic recycling. Our new goal of 5,000 tonnes by the end of the decade is ambitious, but with the continued support and dedication of everyone involved, we are confident in our ability to achieve it and drive meaningful change in supply chains across the UK.”

This dedication to sustainability not only benefits the planet but also resonates deeply with employees who share these values.

A team that supports one another

We have always strived to offer a supportive environment for our colleagues.

Emma Hall describes the company culture as one where “there’s a real sense that everyone has each other’s backs”. This collaborative spirit ensures that employees can rely on one another, creating a strong, united team. Dan Starnes echoes this sentiment, highlighting the close-knit nature of the team and their willingness to support each other. “We are a close-knit group that tries to support each other wherever possible,” he says. This inclusive culture extends across all roles, including those in the warehouse, where collaboration and teamwork are essential to the company’s success.

Opportunities for progression and self-development

We are dedicated to the growth and development of our employees. The company offers numerous opportunities for progression, ensuring that team members can advance in their careers. Abi Burkhardt shares her aspirations: “I’m ambitious. I want to work my way up to a managerial role.” This focus on self-development is supported by regular training sessions and a culture that encourages continuous learning. The company invests heavily in its team, providing a wide range of training and development initiatives designed to enhance skills and foster career growth. These programmes include on-the-job training, mentoring, and external courses, ensuring that all employees have the resources they need to succeed. Furthermore, initiatives like regular lunch-and-learn sessions offer a unique opportunity for staff to gain insights into different aspects of the business.

Community involvement and social events

We have always been keen to give back to the community and develop a strong team spirit through various social events. The company actively supports numerous charities, contributing both time and resources to make a positive impact.

Additionally, regular team events, such as axe throwing and VR game nights, help employees bond outside of the office and foster a fun, collaborative environment. These social events are integral to maintaining the strong team spirit that defines

Interested in joining our team?

If you are looking for a workplace that offers professional growth, a sense of community, and a focus on sustainability, is the perfect place to be.


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